How to get rich in 2022 putting $0 down

I am going to show you how I invested $0 into a business that has now become five different revenue streams and makes me over $500k/year at age 29. When I was only 22, I quit a corporate job to freelance write full-time, never imagining it could make me what it has. Over the last eight-years, I have spent $0 on advertising and minimal amount of money on having websites built, etc. For the first three-years, I didn’t spend a single cent on my Fiverr business, and by the third year, it was making me $273k. Having to dump money into a business to make it work is untrue to be honest - you can do this the safe way, and I am going to show you how.

First, you’re going to start with freelancing. Anything can be freelanced, from doing research for people’s PhDs, to selling blogs that you write.

This is your chance to do something you love. Once you have an idea what you want to sell, look up your competitors. Set up your profile on a Fiverr or an Upwork, or ideally both. This is free to do. Sign up with your license, optimize your profile with this. Quick tips can be reviewed in one of my more recent YouTube videos here.

Next, publish your services. You want to start with at least three. Look at competitors for help. Check the linked video above for tips on how to do this correctly.

Now that your freelancing business is established, spend your time getting more traffic via buyer requests, your social media, and from plain ole working hard.

Note: I have had people on my podcast who have made six-figures their first year freelancing. They scaled up to 6+ gigs, included every add-on available, and they spent their full-time on the apps. Spend at least six-months doing this work alone, pouring your time into it. 

Time to Scale Up

Once you get a hang of it, you can hire virtual assistants to help you. These virtual assistants can be found on Fiverr or Upwork themselves, and charge lower rates. Have them help with the actual work, managing the accounts, organization and so forth. 

Next, open up a Slack channel where you keep your team. If you’er a freelance writer, hire a few other freelancers to keep in Slack. Offer them work (they reserve the right to accept or reject it). Automate the business down to where you only spend two-to-three hours on it per day. Use your extra time to start other income sources, like selling ebooks, products, and PDF downloads on how you did it. Create content on social media that promotes these products.

In just one year, if you follow this formula exactly, you will be making six-figures easily. And you’ll be doing it only working 3-4 hours per day. That’s where I am at right now. Most of my days are only four-hour work days, and I love it. After grinding my ass off for years, it’s awesome. You don’t want to wait as long as I did though. That’s why I am sharing this with you guys!

For a visual overview of everything above plus extra information, check out my YouTube video on this topic here.


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